I live in a four story building where the first three floors are the school. There are 10 of us living on the fourth floor. These are the stairs that we get to climb. They're not so bad but sometimes they are malicious after a hard day at work. If you had a rough day teaching, the last thing you want to do is lumber up 4 flights of stairs.

This is the worst part. The last set of stairs. It's basically the devil.
Where you are so close, and yet still so far away.

Luckily, there are pictures to encourage you on your way.
For example, the picture below means that you are almost to the second floor.

This picture, some ancient pottery, is the sign of the third floor.

But when you got to the point between the third and fourth floor, this is all you found.

It's not very encouraging! In fact, it's almost degrading. You've come this far but have nothing to show for it. You still have another set of stairs ahead of you!
It's the worst.
But today, that all changed.

And a are they who shall seek to bring forth my b at that day, for they shall have the c and the d of the Holy Ghost; and if they e unto the end they shall be f up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting g of the Lamb; and whoso shall h peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be. 1 Nephi 13:37
It made me so happy! And now, climbing the stairs is not nearly as bad. I think I'll memorize the scripture so I can quote it as I'm walking up the last flight of stairs. That will make my life all the better. Thank goodness for whoever put that there.